
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Love Conquers All

1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I am a huge fan of that scripture in the New International Version or New Century Version. If you are not familiar with it, it is a description of love. The kind of love that is so precious that if you were to ever find it, you would be a fool not to appreciate it.

It is true that when you give love, you will receive it. Chances are you won't get it back in equal portion, but should that even matter? There is something edifying about receiving love, and there is something edifying about giving it too.

The problem is that when we give love fully, we fully open ourselves up to pain if we run into the wrong person. It is like the boxer who drops his hands in a match. (He is asking to get hit in the face--and it will hurt. Trust me, I know it will hurt). But I look at it as a lottery. People win and people lose--okay a lot of people lose. But I guarantee that the person who doesn't bother to buy the ticket will never win. Take a chance on love, don't give up on love, push forward for love. Because eventually you will win and the payoff will be so large that your cup will run over.

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