
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Book of Ruth: Finding #Love the Biblical Way {The First Date and more}

Previous Post: Don’t Chase too Hard, but don’t run away

This is my final post on finding love the biblical way. I hope that it has helped someone.

I doubt that you will even need to have multiple dates in your life, but there is nothing wrong with it. The bible says cast your bread on many waters and surely it will return to you. Well you can apply that to dating and meeting people.

Which leads to another question—how do you get to the first date? You have put yourself in position to meet someone special. Ideally, Boaz should ask you out. However, Boaz can sometimes be rather clueless. Therefore, like Ruth who had to present herself to Boaz, sometimes you have to tell your Boaz too. I understand if you are a woman and you don’t feel comfortable asking a man. And sometimes you won’t have too.

In my experience when a Ruth type asked me out, it was indirect and there is nothing wrong with that. A simple statement along the line of, “we should watch a movie together” is sufficient. I hope that your Boaz isn’t too dense. I hope that he or she will get the picture. There is always the possibility that he doesn’t want to get it, but if that is the case, then it is time to go on to the next one.

There are subtle ways of asking someone out, or showing interest. I think there is a place for passive aggression in dating. Like the young lady who faked falling so that her interest would catch her. Don’t try that. Some people do not have good reflexes. You could end up in the hospital.

But then again, you might meet the doctor of your dreams.

For the most point, if you are not willing to be brave and bold your chances of meeting your Boaz becomes slimmer. That is the thing with life, chance favors the bold and miracles favor those who persevere.


Now we have to ask ourselves.

Did Ruth and Boaz date? If you look at the book of Ruth, you would be hard pressed to call it a date. Their interaction started in the field. However, if we look at dating as a form of courtship, we see that dating itself is like water and can take the shape of the culture it is enclosed in.

Boaz and Ruth had a steady form of interaction. As she worked in the fields, Boaz made sure that she felt comfortable. He talked with her and helped her because he admired her.  If you look at their date as a progression, they went from a non-date, to the big date and on to the really big date (marriage).

That is how a relationship should behave. It should progress. If it slows, that is good. If it moves fast, that is not necessarily bad. However, in most cases, taking it slow is better.

While taking it slow, you can be cautious and allow your potential love interest to earn more and more of your trust. Don’t play games or treat him or her like a lab experiment. Just watch and pray. Look for red flags. Don’t ignore them. If a person attempts to tell you who they are—listen to them.

This goes more into the realm of maintaining a relationship. Maybe one day I will write about that, but that is for a later time.

A warning about sex.

The best thing you can do is to wait until marriage. It is easier if you a virgin, but it is rare to meet a virgin in their twenties, and that drops significantly when you are in your thirties. Moreover, the idea of two virgins actually coming together sounds nearly impossible.

What if you are not a virgin, but you wish to wait? I suggest that you gauge if the person you are dating has the fortitude to wait until marriage. If not, then understand that if you pursue a relationship with this person you may end up in a relationship that is flawed from the beginning.  It is not impossible to have a good relationship—if you are in the bed before you exchange wedding vows. It is just a really bad idea.

If you are already on the train and you are thinking that if I stop this train abruptly I am just going to derail and destroy—yeah, that is highly possible.

A train has to be slowed first. You and your mate can undo a lot of damage if you stop, make peace with one another and decide that you will march right into marriage hand in hand the best way possible. I know that it can be done…. I also know that it is one of the hardest things to do.

Good luck.

As stated earlier, this is the final post on Ruth and Boaz. It is not my final post, I will definitely continue the popular Short Story Saturdays, even if I am taking a break from that this weekend. But I will also post my thoughts on other subjects as well, so please stay tuned.

You can buy my adult scifi novel Hearteless: A Journey to Second Earth  @amazon or here.
For email updates, please click HERE and feel free to leave a message.
Also, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Team Savant {The Teacher Chapter 4 of 4}

A shy stutterer became friends with a narcoleptic girl, a telepath that looks surprisingly like the Roswell alien, a guy with three eyes, a water breathing princess with blue skin and a girl who can split herself into three people. From that day forward, he became Savant, the boy with a saber tooth tiger in his head. He along with his friends are Team Savant, the greatest cadet action team in the known universe.
“Katra is no one’s pet,” Nathaniel said. “You asked the Union to bring back a thief. What exactly did she steal?”

“My heart? Does it even matter? She is my prop…my wife and I want her back—as any good husband would.”

Nathaniel looked back and forth to the young wives. Along the walls, he saw statues of similar looking women, their faces contorted with the lines of fear. He turned his full attention to the king. “I know that you wish to be part of Union, but you do realize that the Union of Planets does not accept societies that suppress its own people.”

The King chuckled. “Savant, Zorn. I am well aware of the exploits of you two. There is much talk of your adventures around my…royal circles. I appreciate you. Someone has to do the work of peasants. But you are only a cadet.”

“Not just a cadet.” Nathaniel stood up. “I am the diplomat of my planet and she has been given asylum.”

Katra’s heart skipped.

“It is within his right to do so,” Zorn said as he stood up.

The king jerked toward Zorn. “He has no rights on this planet,” he said. “My law is absolute.”

“We are Union officials,” Zorn said as he grabbed Katra’s arm and lifted her up as well.

“You dare bring my woman here and tell me that you are taking her away. Are you trying to start an interplanetary war?”

Several guards from out of nowhere appeared and surrounded the three of them. They raised their rifles and pointed at the heads of Katra, Nathaniel and Zorn. The three of them raised their hands. Katra accepted the moment; she had lived a good life.

“Your body language suggests that you are willing to give the order to your guards to execute us,” Nathaniel said. “But I wonder, have you really thought this through?”

The king lifted his hand. Katra began to pray.

“My men activated their dampeners as soon as I gave them the signal, so your Datrevian’s vaunted telepathy will have no effect on them,” the king said. “And if you even move one finger to call forth that tiger, they will end you.”

Katra looked back and forth between the two children in front of her.

“What will you say happened to us?” Zorn asked.

The king shrugged. “Meh. An attack on you by one of your numerous enemies—you children have accumulated quite a few.”

“All because, I offered asylum to Katra?” Nathaniel asked. “Is this because she saw you petrify one of your wives?”

The king chuckled. “Lies. Cadets believing in the lies of a thief—the irony.”

“That is not irony,” Zorn said.

“So annoying,” the king said. “Let’s end this now.”

“Agreed,” Nathaniel said. A great force blanketed the room, knocking the guards and their gun back. A huge tiger with long fangs flickered into existence next to Nathaniel.

The big tiger roared. “You dare sic me on these weaklings?” he said.

“Don’t be that way, Deragon. I just need you to take out their telepathic shielding; Zorn can take care of the rest.”

Some more energy expanded from the tiger like a balloon. “Done.” The energy disappeared and the tiger lay on the floor. “Wake me, when this is mildly interesting.”

“Zorn,” Nathaniel said.

The Datrevian placed his finger on his forehead and all but the king fell to the floor, knocked out by his telepathic blast.

The king looked around as if he was searching for a way out. “Don’t bother,” Nathaniel said. “Katra suggested that you were a killer, but I didn’t think you would murder us in your court. Fortunately, Zorn sensed the intent of your men.”

“So what will you do to me? I am still the king of this land.”

“I could let Deragon eat you,” he said.

Deragon yawned. “That sounds mildly interesting.”

“Please don’t,” the king said. “I will do whatever you ask.”

“No need,” Zorn said. “I recorded the incident.” He pulled out a data pad and tapped it lightly.

“No don’t. I will lose Union funding.”

“You mean your people will lose funding—if you remain the king of this world,” Nathaniel said. He fisted his hands. “You are their king. They are your people. Your job is to help them, not abuse them.” Nathaniel released his hands. “I see patterns and I can predict futures with some accuracy. Your future? The very people you abused will rise up against you and bring you to justice.” Nathaniel turned around. “I will request that a group of Union’s top scientists come to your planet and check out your gallery. For your sake, you should pray that they are able to return your victims to normal. Maybe if they can be saved, your story won’t end like the past kings of my home planet.” He marched toward the exit, followed by Zorn and Deragon.

Katra caught up with him. “Hey, uhm did you mean what you said about granting me asylum?”


“Does that mean...I can go home? To earth?”

“Yes,” Nathaniel said as he rubbed his hand through his white afro.

“Is this what passes for a teacher on your planet?” Deragon asked. “You don’t know the definition of asylum?” Deragon huffed. “It is no wonder your people still use fossil fuel.”

“Can he hurt me?” Katra asked Nathaniel.

“No,” Nathaniel said.

Katra turned to Deragon and took a deep breath. “I do know what it means you buck tooth tiger,” Katra said, “I just can’t believe this is happening to me.”

“Heh,” Deragon said. “Such bravery.”

“Don’t tease her,” Nathaniel said. “She bravely came with us today when she could have run…. I think that I can find a position for you in the Union’s earth base, Katra. It will free me up to spend more time at the academy. I can’t promise you much pay, but it will help—and you won’t have to quit your day job.”

“Th—thank you. I—I can’t believe this is happening,” Katra said.

“Believe it.”

Katra held back her joy. Nathaniel and Zorn were two heavy hearts and she could not feel happiness when her new friends were unhappy. “You don’t seem too happy,” Katra said.

“Union should have zero dealings with a corrupt king,” Zorn said.

“The nature of war,” Nathaniel said. “He is a king; we have to treat him like a king. I am certain that his planet has some type of resource that they are sharing with Union. Even if it is manpower…. Honestly, I could have punched that guy in the face.”

Katra skipped in front of him like a child. And turned, walking backwards as the others walked forward. “You can’t imagine how much good you have done today. You should be happy.”

“The king will spin things into his favor. We are not a police force for non-union worlds,” Zorn said. “We have dealt him a serious political blow, but he may recover in the matter of weeks.”

“He got off too easy,” Nathaniel said.

She thought for a moment. “Well, my people do live a long time, but outside of that we have similar bodies to your people…Savant. We need less water and we tend to dehydrate more. We also tend to have more digestive problems too. A certain little dog could sing a note and I imagine if that note is a little brown it would be a very painful experience for the king.”

“That is a very good idea,” Deragon said.

“Agreed,” Nathaniel said the slightest possible smile formed on his face. “I will send Clip, later.” Nathaniel was all business.

Katra however had no problem showing her enthusiasm for the retaliation and she imagined that her smile had completely overtaken her face..

Zorn frowned. “Is this what you Earthians call an inside joke? In the past, you have said things, Angela laughs and my natural curiosity forces me to inquire about the joke. Then when you tell me, I wish I had never asked. Is this that type of situation?”

“A certain sonic frequency can cause digestive problems,” Nathaniel said. “It will force the victim to go through some things that are pretty…terrible. The kind of things that a Gnarnian would write poetry about.”

“I hate that I asked…. However, it sounds like exactly what King Yearus deserves.

The end
Team Savant is on break next week, but will return soon after.

You can buy my adult scifi novel Hearteless: A Journey to Second Earth  @amazon or here.

For email updates, please click HERE and feel free to leave a message.
Also, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers

Friday, December 20, 2013

Team Savant {The Teacher Chapter 3 of 4}

A shy stutterer became friends with a narcoleptic girl, a telepath that looks surprisingly like the Roswell alien, a guy with three eyes, a water breathing princess with blue skin and a girl who can split herself into three people. From that day forward, he became Savant, the boy with a saber tooth tiger in his head. He along with his friends are Team Savant, the greatest cadet action team in the known universe.

Two hundred years ago, Katra left the sand dunes of Mza. Not only was happiness in short supply among her people, but so was water and food—at least for the poor. Earth had its issues, but in the time she had lived there, she saw the humans grow. They had potential, and the young man walking in front of her was proof of that. He was gifted. She knew that even before she realized that he was some type of war hero. Even the people of Mza paid there respect as he walked by. She didn’t understand why they called him Savant, but he was definitely special.
Nathaniel greeted the grey-skinned Datrevian with a fist bump and directed him to her. Immediately he frowned and turned to Nathaniel. “Did you read her mind?”
“No. Zorn, you know I don’t have that type of control.”
“You are a telepath?” Katra asked.
“No,” Nathaniel said. “I have this…being in my head.”
“In your head?”
“Yeah, we don’t always get along,” Nathaniel said, “but it can’t be helped.”
“You have…something in your head?”
“Yes,” Nathaniel said as he rubbed his hand through his hair.
“Does it hurt?”
“No—he can be very annoying but he can’t harm anyone unless I tell him too.”
“Wow.” It was the only thing Katra could think to say. He hadn’t said much, but deep down she knew that this child carried a great weight on his shoulders.
“Wow,” Zorn said, “is an understatement. We do not have time to discuss our history.”  
“Yes,” Nathaniel said. “We are more concerned about your history. What haven’t you told me?”
“I have told you. My planet oppresses the poor and the weak. I just didn’t go into details.”
“She saw him petrify one of his wives,” Zorn said.
Katra grimaced. She thought that she had buried the memory beyond any telepath’s power. Apparently, Zorn was not to be underestimated.
Nathaniel raised an eyebrow. “Turned her into stone?”
Katra looked around frantically. “Hush child, you will get us all killed. Including what family, I have left on this planet.”
“We stopped being children a long time ago,” Nathaniel said. “I found it hard to believe that someone with such a sense of duty would run from one, even if it is unfair. So you were afraid that he would turn you into stone too.”
“He has an entire gallery of…art. No one living speaks of it.”
“No one living,” Nathaniel said. His jaw tightened. His eyes said fury, but he held it back. He turned to Zorn. “Stay on high alert, you get any stray thoughts of danger and I will level up.”
“Tell me everything,” Nathaniel said to Katra.
A transport bus rolled into the station. “I will tell you when we find a private cab.”
They stepped onto the bus and found a cab that seated five. The three of them sat, down. She waited as Zorn leaned over and closed the door. Relieved, she cupped her hands, looked back and forth between them and told the truth. “He has multiple wives and each year he turns one of them to stone. I—I think once they age beyond his approval he turns them into a statue. His hundreds of other wives obey him like robots. I witnessed this. And it is one thing to go into something blindly. But to see a horrible end to your life coming…I couldn’t do it. I ran.”
“So, why haven’t your people done anything about it?”
“Because it is a secret of the royal family. I would have never known; had I not been chosen for my looks.”
“How?” Nathaniel said.
“What? Are you suggesting that I am not beautiful?”
“No, but you are one out of a billion people, how did he choose you out of the crowd.”
“They have what Earthians would call a beauty pageant,” Zorn said. “You need to catch up on your cultural studies.”
Nathaniel rolled his eyes. “As if I have the time—anyway, what about the wives? If you petitioned the United Planets, the president will definitely listen. Maybe we can undo the petrification.”
“Do you have that kind of technology? Can you undo stoning?”
Katra hugged herself. “But I would die in the process. I am pretty sure that we will all die today.”
“Our team is a well-known team in the Union Forces,” Zorn said. “It would be in the king’s best interest to stay on our good side.” Zorn’s eyes narrowed.
Katra closed her eyes and shook her head. They were prepared to fight. But no matter what they said, to her they were only children. She leaned back and stared at the ceiling.
“I am sending a message to the others,” Nathaniel said. “Don’t worry Katra. We are very good at what we do.”
At the king’s hall, Zorn and Nathaniel walked slightly ahead of her. Zorn turned to Nathaniel and stared at him. The two looked at each other as if talking but neither of their lips were moving. “That’s rude, you know. Having a telepathic conversation when I am two inches behind you.”
They ignored her.
Nathaniel moved his hands quickly and mumbled something. His hair color changed to a silvery white. What technology was that? If they survived this, she would use whatever chemical coloring he used and she would switch from jet black to ginger at a moment’s notice.
The three of them knelt and waited for the king who was carried in a chair by his many wives. She gritted her teeth as the girls let him down. “I see,” he said in a voice that slithered like a snake. “You have brought my pet back.”
The next chapter will post next week.

You can buy my adult scifi novel Hearteless: A Journey to Second Earth  @amazon or here.
For email updates, please click HERE and feel free to leave a message.
Also, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Book of Ruth: Finding #Love the Biblical Way {Don’t chase too hard, but don’t run away}

Previous Post: Flirt with interest

I am a romantic at heart. No, I am not a romance novelist. However, every book that I have written has a romantic element. I am a fan of love. I love seeing happy couples together and cringe when I see unhappy couples tolerating one another—I see that a lot. When I read the book of Ruth, I was fascinated. They actually dated in biblical times. Who knew? Seriously, I read it and I want to share what I learned. I don’t know how long this series will last, but I will keep going until it is done.

I don’t wish to beat a dead horse, but even when you are in the beginning stages of a brand new relationship don’t show yourself to be desperate. You are going to have to put your heart in a minimal security prison. This is true whether you are male or female.

You are going to need to follow your heart, to avoid any type of regret, but you should follow it when it is ready. You shouldn’t chase after anyone to the point your actions border on the line of stalking. But at the same time, you shouldn’t play so hard to get that your love interest questions if you are worth it.

Let’s be honest. He or she has no idea if you are worth it or not. They have an idea but they don’t truly know and if you play mission impossible, you become a message that will self-destruct in five seconds.


As odd as it may sound, your chase needs to be balanced with your retreat. For instance, suppose you ask your love interest out and they give you an excuse; do not worry about it. The excuse may be legitimate and if it is not, the truth will eventually come out. A good indicator that they are into you is if they lead you to an alternative. Directly or indirectly. For instance they may say, “I can’t go this weekend, because I have to ***** but I am available next weekend if you want to hang out.” If that is the case, just reschedule.

What should you do with a flat out rejection? Put it in a box and flush it down the toilet—literally. This is just the precursor to the first date and even if it is the first date, you can’t go all in—not yet.

Personally, if I asked a young lady out for Friday and she says she has a hair appointment, I would take myself out. I would do something for myself, something to show love for myself—that is important. You can’t expect anyone to love you if you don’t love yourself.

At any rate, while you are balancing the line between chase and retreat, you have to communicate. Be as straight forward as possible. Remember, no games. Games are for children and if anyone tells you different, they are probably playing to lose.

Communication is important because everyone is different and you have to decipher what is the right level of pursuit. It is also different with men. It is acceptable for a man to chase, but currently, that is an outdated idea. Repeat after me: “Steve Urkel was a fool.”

But that’s another post.

At this point, the best I can tell you is to not to chase too hard, but surely don’t run away. And this is where the confidence, self-esteem you have built up comes into play because you are going to have to rely on your instincts for the most point…. God Bless.  

The next article will post within a week.
For email updates, please click HERE and feel free to leave a message.
Also, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers or You can buy my adult scifi novel @amazon or here.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Team Savant {The Teacher Chapter 2 of 4}

A shy stutterer became friends with a narcoleptic girl, a telepath that looks surprisingly like the Roswell alien, a guy with three eyes, a water breathing princess with blue skin and a girl who can split herself into three people. From that day forward, he became Savant, the boy with a saber tooth tiger in his head. He along with his friends are Team Savant, the greatest cadet action team in the known universe.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as he led her to his invisible ship. Clip ran around, looked around and sniffed around until he was certain. He turned to Nathaniel. “All clear.”
“Thanks,” Nathaniel said. He turned to Katra. “Follow me.” He pressed a button on his watch and the triangular door opened. They walked in and the door closed behind them.
“Please,” Katra said. “What about my kids? I can’t just leave them.”
Clip moved in front of her. “Step into the holding cell,” he said. She did as she was told, after all, she saw firsthand what Clip could do. Still something wasn’t right.
Nathaniel sat in his seat at the helm of the ship. He whirled around as the metal cell door closed. Katra placed her hands on the bars and stared at him with pleading eyes. He turned from her.
You are too kind to your prisoners, an all too familiar voice said in his head. You should bind her arms, leg and head.
The voice belonged to Deragon, an alien that attacked his friends a year ago. An alien that Nathaniel trapped in his own head to protect the people he cared about. Deragon, I am not in the mood for your brand of crazy.
You doubt yourself. A leader should never doubt. She seems kind…kinder than most. However, kindness can often be used for trickery.
  Nathaniel ignored the advice and pressed the contact button on his keyboard. He folded his arms and leaned back. In another moment, the screen lit up with a very human looking alien. Kagome—his mentor. “Yo,” she said.
“Hey, I have the target.”
“Good, make the delivery and hurry back. I expect to see you coming out of hyperspace at this time tomorrow.”
He frowned trying to figure out the words to say.
“What’s wrong?” Kagome asked.
He showed her the palm of his hands. “Her pattern of behavior doesn’t fit.”
“She is centuries old.” Kagome looked past him. “Can she hear us?”
“No, Clip is using a sound dampener. “
“You have your orders.”
“Yeah, I do.” He studied his hands for the moment, but then looked up sharply. “How are the others?”
“Everyone’s here but Zorn and Jon. We are having a girl’s night out. It was Angela’s idea—yes, we will talk about things that Earthian girls discuss. Unfortunately, that means Isis will talk about you.” She showed zero hint of making a joke.
Nathaniel ran his fingers through his hair and attempt to hide his nervousness with a smile. “So, uhm, can the team come spend thanksgiving with my folks?”
Kagome’s lips tightened. “We have no such custom on my planet. However, I have enjoyed that Earthian holiday. I also like Halloween. It is not a bad idea. Complete your current mission and we will see.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“And tell you parents I said hello,” Kagome said and ended the conversation with a push of a button.
The image disappeared.
Nathaniel began the takeoff sequence. He whirled around to Clip who stood dutifully in front of Katra. “It’s okay Clip.”
Clip turned to him and barked. He then moved to his doghouse, a cozy home placed under the navigational processing unit. The ship rose slowly.
“Nathaniel, please. Savrit! I am innocent.”
He continued to fly the ship upward. Once he was out of earth’s atmosphere, he dropped the ship’s cloak and shot passed the moon.
“What planet are you from?” Katra asked.
Nathaniel adjusted his reflector so he could see Katra’s face. “Earth.”
“Surely you would understand. Humans have fought against oppression for thousands of years, since before I was born. That is why I stayed here.”
“You stayed here because this planet was out of the Union’s jurisdiction. But still…” He slowed the ship. “What do you mean by oppression? You are wanted for stealing from the High Prince of Mza.”
“I stole myself—I was one of the future wives of the prince. His property. I couldn’t do it. I—I had to be free.”
“You were his…property?” He asked; his eyes still on her image in the reflector.
“But Union would never deal with a leader that allows that,” Nathaniel said.
“Scan me. I am telling the truth.”
“I don’t need to.” They entered hyperspace. Nathaniel took in a deep breath and turned to her. Even just looking at her facial tics, he could tell much about her. That and he had observed her for months now. Her heart was pure. Yet, she broke the crimes of her land. It was his duty to abide by the laws of the land…or was it? What if the laws were unfair? He decided to change the subject. “You need a new starter.”
“Your car. It needs a new starter.”
“Okay, you take me back and I will get one.”
He shook his head. Her face screamed desperation. “I am not just a cadet from earth. I am the highest-ranking officer from earth. I mean…there are only two of us, but that is not the point. I can’t allow rogue aliens to come to my planet and do as they please….”
Tears came.
Bwahahaha! What kind of criminal cries? Deragon’s voice rang in his head.
“Shut up,” Nathaniel said.
“I didn’t say anything,” Katra said through crocodile tears.
“I wasn’t talking to—never mind. Maybe I should talk to the king on your behalf?”
She brightened but then her smile dulled. “But surely he will see you as a child. He may even—please, just take me somewhere and let me go.”
“No. I have rules to follow. Besides,” Nathaniel said. He paused. “Let’s just say that no matter my age, my name still carries weight.” He pressed a button and typed furiously on his keyboard. “But I will have a friend meet us there. He is exceptionally smart by Datrevian standards.”
She nodded. “No matter what happens…. I thank you for believing in me.”
“Meh. You took up for me when the other students teased me. Not that it was necessary, but the gesture was the kind of thing a nice person would do.”
“Why did you pretend to stutter?”
“I was undercover. Moreover, I was not pretending. I used to stutter all the time. It is easy to slip back into it.”
“I couldn’t stand seeing them tease you like that. And yet you seemed unmoved by their teasing.”
“I don’t have to stutter, but even if I did, what others say wouldn’t matter. I know who I am, I have people that I care about and that is all I need.”
Do you, Savant? Deragon said.
He heard a roar of laughter in his head.  He formed the hand signal for stop and Deragon’s voice disappeared.

The next issue will post a week from today!

Please, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers You can buy my scifi novel @amazon or here.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Team Savant {The Teacher Chapter 1 of 4}

A shy stutterer became friends with a narcoleptic girl, a telepath that looks surprisingly like the Roswell alien, a guy with three eyes, a water breathing princess with blue skin and a girl who can split herself into three people. From that day forward, he became Savant, the boy with a saber tooth tiger in his head. He along with his friends are Team Savant, the greatest cadet action team in the known universe.

The day he showed up was like any other day. Students in small herds with their best friends, doing everything but what she asked them to do. Texting one another behind her back, teasing the quiet students and admiring the class clown. They suspected that they were getting away, but she knew what they were doing—she always did.

The new student sat down in a seat next to the window and immediately turned his attention to the playground.

He was cute for a kid with an Afro that defied gravity. He wore rectangular glasses that seemed a little too big. Immediately the young ladies were interested, after all, he was the new guy. Moreover, by ninth grade rules, the new guy was always cool. Even without the “new guy” tag there was something about him that drew the attention of all the students. The way he stood, the piercing eyes, it was as if he had been the star athlete at his former school.

But something was wrong.

Kat had seen many students; after all, she was much older than she looked. But there was something about this student that she couldn’t put her finger on. No. She would not treat any student different, no matter how suspicious she became. And as a new student, he had to go through the ritual of all new students.

“Class,” Kat said in her singing voice. “We have a new student; please give him your full attention.” She gestured toward him. “Don’t be shy, stand up and introduce yourself.”

He stood up as stiff as a robot and said, “M—my n—name is…Nath—thaniel Devereaux.”

“Please to meet you, N—n—n—nate.” The class burst into laughter.

“Cool it, Jeffrey!”

The class quieted, but Nathaniel continued as if nothing happened and in a painstakingly long statement, he explained that he transferred to Central High, to take part in their mathematics and science program. He even stuttered a mechanical “Go Falcons.”

If she had known, she would have never put him on the spot. It was a mistake. She considered apologizing to him, but that would have made things worse.

From that day forward, she squashed any students that dared tease him. Her method of justice was balancing on one leg in the back of class. Jeffrey spent so much time in trouble that the other students began to call him One Leg. He enjoyed the name.

Nathaniel, however, seemed to grow more distant every day. He spent most of the time looking out the window. It was not until the next month she realized that he was staring at the sky and not the playground.    He did well in his class no thanks to her. She was certain that he was not listening to her at all, a testament to his intelligence, but at the same time, it disturbed her.

Each day, she observed him, waited for him to do something. She didn’t know what it was, but she was certain that it would be a disaster. Kat hadn’t needed to be afraid of anything in a long time. Her only emotion was the love she had for her students. But why, why did she feel love and fear for this student?

The day before Thanksgiving break, she considered this as she walked out to her car. She stuck her foot in the car and bumped her head on the way in. She rubbed her temple and looked in the rearview mirror. In the rear view mirror, she saw a bruise on her head, but more importantly, she saw Nathaniel walk toward a tree and kneel down to pat a small dog, maybe a beagle like Snoopy.

She watched him as he talked to the dog, stood up and walked through the playground and onto the sidewalk. He travelled in the direction of a dangerous part of town. Teacher instincts took over and she attempted to crank the car.

Nothing happened.

She tried again and got the same result. Her heart raced and after a few deep breaths, she got out of the car and walked. Her walk became a jog and her jog became a dead sprint. She could have gave, Usain Bolt a run for his money. She rounded the corner and saw him in the distance. “Nathaniel!”

He stopped and turned, his dog did the same thing. When she stopped, she took a deep breath, straightened and placed both hands on his shoulders. “Listen,” she said as she attempted to catch her breath. “You can’t go this way—it is dangerous. I know that in your world, you are invincible, but anything can happen to anyone.”

He smiled.

Why was he smiling? The familiar fear came back.

“Hey lady,” a voice said from behind.

She whirled around, protecting Nathaniel with her free arm. Four guys stood in front of her. They were muscular, with coats that were too long and too hot for the weather. She put two and two together and realized that they were in serious danger. “Look guys don’t do this,” she said. “This is broad daylight. People can see you.”

“Yeah, and they keep quiet too, because we handle snitches around here.”

“What do you want?” Kat asked.

“Both of y’all look broke,” the leader said. “What do you have?” His smile was so evil her knees began to shake.

Nathaniel pulled her arm and the two of them reversed positions, and in a voice that was clear as a bell, he spoke. “Brown note.”

The dog moved in front of them, barked and opened his mouth wide as if he was yawning. Immediately the men doubled over and awful sounds came from their backside. The air filled with a smell so foul that Kat forgot about the danger and covered her nose with her shirt. “Oh my—“

The young men groaned loudly all the while clutching their stomach.

“Did they just…boo boo?” Kat asked.

“Not the words I would choose,” Nathaniel said. “But yeah that’s what happened. Serves them right.”

Kat turned to him. “You can talk!” She shook her head. “I mean you are not stuttering.”

He looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Come on, we have a lot to talk about.”

She stared at the men. “How did you—“

“A sonic attack by my friend.” He gestured toward the beagle. “It causes people to –well, you know. Anyway, my ship is right around the corner.”

“Ship?” Then she forgot the smell, the dog and anything about what just happened. Her worst fears realized. She willed her foot to move in the opposite direction.

“Don’t run,” Nathaniel said. “His name is Clip. Canine like intelligence processor. You wouldn’t make it three inches.”

             “Wh—who are you?”
              “You are Katra Baxter, wanted criminal from planet Mza. I am Nathaniel Devereaux, Cadet Captain of Team Savant.”

The next issue will post a week from today!

Please, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers You can buy my scifi novel @amazon or here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Book of Ruth: Finding #Love the Biblical Way {Flirt with interest}

Previous Post: Act like a lady, think like a—oh just be yourself

I am a romantic at heart. No, I am not a romance novelist. However, every book that I have written has a romantic element. I am a fan of love. I love seeing happy couples together and cringe when I see unhappy couples tolerating one another—I see that a lot. When I read the book of Ruth, I was fascinated. They actually dated in biblical times. Who knew? Seriously, I read it and I want to share what I learned. I don’t know how long this series will last, but I will keep going until it is done.

Now that he has shown interest in you, chances are there will be times when you are not sure about his interest in you. This will be a great time to turn up the heat by flirting more. Yes, I am assuming that you are flirting in some form all ready. But now is the time to flirt even more.

What flirting does is reassure him of your interest—it is sad to say but Boaz needs reassuring too-but it is also a way to assess interest. If you are flirting with your new interest and they are not responding to it in a positive way then you should be concerned. Don’t panic. But put this in your concern box to watch and pray about.

Reasons for a lack of interest could cover a huge range. None of which you can really concern yourself with. You are not psychic, so all you can do is do your part to flirt. Flirt somewhere in the range of subtle to overt tones.

Come to think of it, some of the flirtatious things you will do naturally—if you just let yourself relax. Touching his arm, moving a misplaced hair, paying attention, hanging on his every word and putting yourself in a position to be touched. I have noticed that for some women this is an overt act. A kind of banging a guy across the head and screaming “I want you!”

To you, I say if it ain’t broken, don’t try to fix it. But I have seen to many women and men who just were down right terrible at flirting. Bad to the point of repulsion. Example in my personal life, a girl who was interested in me wanted to entice me with amazing sex. This test involved rubbing my testicles with a sharp instrument. And while she seemed to draw great pleasure out of describing the act, it was anything but pleasurable in my mind. She said she was joking.

But I wasn’t laughing.
If you aren’t good at flirting, one of the best ways to get good is by practicing. But we will talk about it more next time.

Please, feel free to comment below and follow me on Google and Twitter @ Frank_D_Rogers You can buy my scifi novel @amazon or here.